

As I wrote in my last post, we wanted to go to the Christmas Market in Flensburg. After more that 2 hours driving (I have to confess the trip was a nightmare) we arrived safe and sound to this lovely city. And inaugurated our Christmas season of this year! :)

Como escribi la semana pasada, este finde queriamos ir al mercado de navidad en Flensburg. Luego de mas de dos horas manejando (debo confesar que el viaje fue una pesadilla) llegamos sanos y salvos a esta linda ciudad y asi inauguramos nuestra temporada navideña 2011 :)

After walking in the streets of the city, we decided to go directly to the market because there wasn't much daylight available and I wanted to take some pictures.
Luego de un rato caminando por la ciudad, decidimos ir directamente al mercado ya que no quedaba mucho tiempo con luz solar y tenia ganas de sacar algunas fotos.

We bought sugared almonds (YUMMY!) and F. rode the carousel two times, he had a blast!
We finished the day in a lovely cafe and lots of laughter :)
Compramos garrapiñadas de almendras (riquiiiiiiiiisimas!) y F. se subio dos veces al carrousel, se divertio un monton! Terminamos el dia en un cafe adorable y muchas risas :)

I hope you had a great weekend as well!
Espero que tambien hayan tenido un lindo fin de semana!

A perfect day


I LOVE Autumn! I wish it could stay like this for a couple of weeks more! The weather is not so cold yet so we are enjoying lovely walks in the woods near home. 
AMO el otoño! Me encantaria que se quedara un tiempito mas! El clima no esta tan frio todavia asi que estamos disfrutando de varias caminatas en el bosque cerca de casa.

We have been doing some indoors activities with F, like the one published on this lovely blog. We had so much fun doing our autumn tree!

Estuvimos haciendo algunas actividades en casa con F, como la que publico Begoña en su adorable blog. Nos divertimos un monton haciendo nuestro arbol otoñal!

This weekend we are going to visit some Christmas markets. On Saturday we will travel to the market in Flensburg, hope to come back with some nice photos :)

Este fin de semana vamos a visitar algunos mercados de navidad. El sabado viajamos al mercado de Flensburg, espero volver con algunas  fotos lindas :)

Have a lovely weekend!!!

Que tengan un lindo fin de semana!!!

Playing outside


Last month, Meisi contacted me to ask me if I wanted to participate as one of the guest photographers of issue no.3 of Kireei Magazine. I couldn't be happier to read her mail but at the same time, felt a little bit nervous!  As the topic was "Play", the first thing I thought was to include my boy in the photo. 

El mes pasado, Meisi me contacto para preguntarme si queria participar en la edicion no.3 de la revista de Kireei.  No podria estar mas feliz y nerviosa a la vez! Como el tema era "el juego", lo primero que pense fue en incluir a mi gordo en la foto.
We went to an apple garden and pretended to be knights and musicians.
Fuimos a un jardin de manzanas y jugamos a ser caballeros y músicos.

Goldener Oktober


October left us as fast as it came! We couldn't have enjoyed it more. Beautiful colours and gorgeous weather. After a grey summer, this was really what we needed to get ready for the shorter and colder days that are about to come.

Octubre se fue tan rapido como llego! No podriamos haberlo disfrutado mas. El clima y los colores divinos. Luego de un veranito gris, esto era lo que realmente necesitabamos para prepararnos para los dias cortos y frios que estan por llegar.

A day in Celle


Last Monday was celebrated the "Tag der Deutschen Einheit" here in Germany and as M. didn't have to work and F. didn't go to the Kindergarten, we made a little trip.

El lunes pasado se celebro aqui en Alemania el dia de la unificacion y como era feriado, decidimos hacer un pequeño paseo.

photographing strangers


I don't know what I like most about Hamburg: the buildings? the people? parks? places to eat? Everytime we go, we discover something new!
Last month we received a lovely visit and spent some time "touring" around the city. I took my camera and did some candids. I really had lots of fun pretending to be a paparazzi :)

No se que es lo que mas me gusta de Hamburgo... los edificios? la gente? los parques? los lugares para comer? Siempre que vamos, descubrimos algo nuevo!
El mes pasado recibimos una agradable visita y pasamos un buen rato paseando por la ciudad. Lleve la camara e hice algunos robados. Realmente me diverti mucho pretendiendo ser un paparazzi :)

Bye bye summer!

Bye bye summer!


This has been a strange summer here in Hamburg. I really feel like we said goodbye to it a long time ago. The weather was hmmmm too cold and gray for me, to tell you the truth. Now I can't wait to see the colour changes the autumn brings. It is such a photogenic season :)

Ha sido un verano bastante extraño aca en Hamburgo. Realmente siento que nos despedimos de el hace ya un rato largo. El clima estuvo tan frio y gris, demasiado para mi gusto. Ahora no puedo esperar a ver los cambios de colores que trae el otoño. Es una estacion tan fotogenica :)

 The photo was taken last year in Notting Hill. What a lovely place full of colour! I'm experimenting right now with those colour palette generators. They are so much fun! Hope you like the result :)

Esta foto fue tomada el año pasado en Notting Hill. Que hermoso lugar lleno de color! Estoy experimentanto con los generadores de paletas de colores. Son super divertidos! Espero que les guste el resultado :)



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and I started taking pictures again ^^
Hope you have a nice week!!!!! :)
In the apple garden

In the apple garden


We live in Northern Germany in an area called "Altes Land" that is full of Apple Gardens. This year I promised myself I was going to visit one of them and take some pictures. I was lucky to do it a couple of weeks ago with my husband and son. We had lots of fun!

Vivimos en el norte de Alemania en una zona llamada "Altes Land" que esta llena de jardines con Manzanos. Este año me prometi que iba a visitar uno con mi camara. Tuve la suerte de poder hacerlo hace unas semanas con mi marido y mi hijo. Nos divertimos un monton!

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Can't wait to come back in October and photograph the trees full of apples :)
No veo la hora de volver en octubre y poder fotografiar los arboles llenos de mazanas :)
Collage Manzanas1
Spring ♥

Spring ♥


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Last sunday after lunch we decided to go out to enjoy the not so cold and sunny weather. I took the camara with me thinking about "capturing" those first signs of spring. It was a beautiful afternoon.

El domingo pasado despues de almorzar decidimos salir a pasear a disfrutar del lindo clima "primaveral". Lleve la camara pensando en capturar los primeros signos de la primavera. Fue una tarde increible.

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marzo 2011 423

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Hope you are enjoying your week :)
Espero que esten disfruntando su semana!

Hello again :)


Here are some pictures of a really short photoshoot. It was done a couple of hours before leaving to the airport to take the plane back home. I can't believe our holidays finished so fast! Time flies when you have fun...

Les dejo unas fotitos de una sesion super cortita que hice un par de horas antes de partir hacia el aeropuerto. No puedo creer que nuestras vacaciones se hayan terminado! El tiempo vuela cuando una se divierte...

The gorgeous ballerina (even though you cannot see her face) is Melanie, she is a great dancer and a beautiful person, inside and outside. I really enjoyed photographing her :)

Hope you are having a wonderful week!!

La hermosa ballerina (pese a que no se le ve la cara) es Melanie. Baila excelentemente bien y es una persona bellisima, por dentro y fuera. Disfrute muchisimo sacandole fotos.

Espero que esten teniendo una semana divina!!
My 2010

My 2010


My year - Mi año

It has been a great year for me. I never thought photography could turn into such an important thing in my everyday life. I finally found my passion! I really hope this year to continue learning and growing, not only as a photographer but also as a person.

I wish you all the best and I hope this 2011 brings lots of good moments and happiness :)
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